Yes! There's a hole in the gray swatch! And if you look closely, there's a missing YO in the green one. Now that's over with, let's celebrate 3 swatches done yesterday. LOL
The details in order of knitting:
Gray Swatch: mystery wool on cone (10.5 ounces), 28 WPI, two strands held together on size 2 US, blocked to approximately 5.5 inches wide, 4 inches tall. If I choose this, I'll go with three strands plied together somehow (not having a wheel...) because unplied, I'm going to be sticking my needles between strands a lot. Finished width approx 18 inches. The math: 5.5 inches/35 times 99 stitches times 120%. Melanie has revealed the stole is 99 stitches wide.
Green Swatch: mystery wool on cone (21 ounces), 24 WPI, one strand on size 4 US (bottom) and size 3 US needles, blocked to approximately 6 inches wide. I like the size 4 results better. I'm leaning toward using this yarn. Approx 20 inches wide finished.
Blue Swatch: Shetland wool on cone (12 ounces), 18 WPI, one strand on size 4 US, blocked to approximately 6.25 inches wide. I like this color best, but overdying either of the other two is an option. Approx 21 inches wide finished.
Any opinions? Is my math OK? Please comment!
BTW, I unvented a WPI tool from my wood scraps box: a piece of tinker toy. Perfect! Love that Reuse part of the three Rs. LOL This is such a simple concept. One could make one from a piece of doweling very easily if there are no kids around from whom you can beg a stick.

As to the wrapping, I let the yarn decide where to fall by angling it slightly toward the already wrapped strand as I twisted the tool, pulling the yarn just enough to snug up to the tool without being overly tight. Is that the right way to do it??
I like the blue best, too. Please don't ask me why :-)
I like the looks of the blue one. I like my lace to be more compact than most. I have a hole in my swatch too, dropped a stitch. :o) I won't tell.
Sheri in GA (from MS3)
I really like all three swatches. I can see why you are having some trouble deciding on which one yarn to use! My personal preference is the blue, but the green really runs a close second. I am interested in your final decision.
I like the blue and the green best, holes nice and distinct without being too dense on the stockinette areas. Might be interesting to try one or 2 sizes bigger, as well. Barbara C - eastern Mass.
I just love the green using #4 needles. Am a bit of a green freak lately anyway. Looks great to me!
Nancy A
i am extremely partial to the green one :-)
Your needle size looks great on all three swatches as far as the look of the fabric. The holes stand out nicely. Does one feel better to you? The stole could rub the back of your neck depending on what kind of neckline you wear with it. Does one drape better? You'll want the stole to hang nicely and some wools just don't have as much drape as others, also sometimes just because a needle size gives you a lace that looks good doesn't mean it gives you a lace that feels good. I realize I answered your question with question, but only you can evaluate these "touch" things.
Finding it difficult to see a difference between the 3 swatches other than colour; they all seem to have a similar stitch density to me. Just going on colour, the green one appeals most to my eyes. Sorry I can't be more helpful.
Oooh! Lots of comments! Thank you all!
Regarding drape and softness, the blue is scratchiest and stiffest after shaking the swatches all around. The gray is softest, but the green is almost as soft and much the most fluid. In person, the green is actually not quite solid. Maybe I'll swatch on US 5's tonight....
This is all turning out to be lots of fun!
I just love the green color. It is striking. It stood out to me. Of course , I love green.
Nice job.
I like the green one - it looks like it has the best drape. Not that you can really tell drape from a photo... All the colors are very pretty so I'd shoose the fabric that feels the nicest against my skin.
I'm all about enjoying the process. I would choose the yarn you are most comfortable working with. They are all three beautiful in the pattern.
Well, I'm going to be a rebel and say that I like the grey the best! ;^) I like the stronger contrast between stockinette and holes.
But if the green is the softer/drapier one then that is probably the best choice...
Let us know if you do a 5's swatch!
I've never met a blue I didn't love! But the feel and drape could be important so I guess you gotta be there!
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