
July 22, 2007

DH: It's a Knitting Free Zone

It's time for a quick update! I got my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Friday night about 12:30 and started reading at 1:07 AM. I didn't read straight through, though, napping for about 4 hours and pausing for necessary reasons and a phone call. 5:30 PM Saturday was when I was done. Being first in my little "crowd" to finish, I couldn't talk to anyone about it! So today I've been browsing in the Harry Potter Lexicon forums. It's satisfying to discover other people with similar observations, reactions, and questions, and it's interesting to find new ones to think about.

The only detail I'm going to reveal is that there is no knitting in the last Harry Potter book. While sweaters and socks are mentioned (just once each, I think), the book is a KFZ. Edit: Socks (though not the knitting of) are mentioned more than once; I've noted six or seven references so far as I've begun re-reading DH. BTW, socks are not critical to the story and easy to miss, though I love the way such ordinary objects crop up throughout the series.

My house, on the other hand, has knitting. I've started clue 4 of Mystery Stole 3. This section, twice as long as previous ones, is very repetitive, and it's going to be hard to find my place when Jumper (as he definitely will) knocks my chart off the piano bench. I think I'll have to use sticky notes or markers or something. Maybe I'll check off the bead rows. That will work; they're frequent enough but not too frequent. End example of Michal thinking "out loud."

I did knit on my sock while standing in line Thursday to get a wristband (which we were not required to wear!) for Friday night's Harry Potter book sale. The knitting muggles nearby were amazed at my ability to knit without looking and to change colors so seamlessly! So we talked about self-striping yarn and knitting for charity between HP topics, of course!

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