I knit another MS3 swatch last night, this time on size 4 US vintage plastic Boye needles with scooped tips. Although technically not a pair as one is blue and the other white, they were nice: light, smooth, and sticky enough they didn't fall out every other stitch. Here's the swatch complete with imperfections caused by PBS viewing:

The lower section is knit with two strands and the upper with one. Both are pretty fluid. I was worried about breaking the single strand as I knit, but that didn't happen. Damn. I suspect I'm going to have to knit the stole on one strand of the gray mystery wool. I never would have thunk it. I can blame Jan, a knitter/weaver/seamstress I met yesterday who was knitting a shawl of what looked a lot like my gray mystery wool (only a very pretty autumn-colored variegated yarn/thread). Shoot. If she can do that, so can I. LOL What do YOU think?
The sunlight streaming through my kitchen window as I immortalized the new swatch was hitting my window sill garden. Look, African violet bloom!

And my 2007 primrose, currently on its 4th and 5th (see the bud in the center?) round of blooms.

I think I prefer the double-stranded section, but then again I like scarves/stoles to have a bit more weight to them instead of being super airy, if that makes sense. Of course, I'm always cold, so I think that's why I feel that way, and for you the opposite might be true! Objectively I think you could go either way and have the stole look really nice, just with a lighter or heavier flavor.
Wow, love the look of the single strand, perfect !
Now, beads or no beads ? lol
I don't know about the beads yet. I have some shiny clear size 7 beads that would work. Maybe I need to do another swatch and/or wait for the first clue to give ME a clue! LOL Thanks for your comments!
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