A few months ago I bought a generous number of blue KoolAid packets on clearance for about a nickle a pop. So each of the five dye pots started with two packs. Then I added a yellow, tan, green, light green, and another blue. Draped the damp yarn in the jars and slid the whole thing into the microwave (thank goodness for removeable turntables!). Here are views of the five loaded jars.

Here's the resulting colorful wool cake, snapped in overcast conditions on my "antique" milk box.

The second Gras Jaywalker is about half done; I knit about half the heel flap last night. By pure chance, the color segments on the two socks are identical so far. Maybe the second heel will have a sock money mouth, too!
ADDED LATER: Here are the five color "recipes" I used:
Brown: 4 ice blue + 2 tamarindo
Blue 2?: 3 ice blue + 1 lemonade
Blue 1: 3 ice blue
Green 1: 2 ice blue + 1 lime
Green 2: 2 ice blue + 1 arctic green
I suspect a "secret" to easy color creation is to start with a base color and tweak for more colors. Here, my base is 2 ice blue packs. One combination I tried and rejected was ice blue + black cherry, but the red overpowered the blue and I didn't want a christmassy effect.
OOOH! Pretty!
WOW! I have been trying to get a brown like with Kool aid forever. How did you do it????
Femmy, according to my sketchy notes, the brown was 4 packs of Ice Blue and 2 packs of Tamarindo. I was expecting to to come out as olive green, but the brown is OK, too.
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