Today is day 13 of a miserable viral (thus no antibiotics) cold, and I've been in slow mode (though things are speeding up except when coughing). I have been knitting a little bit, though the cats can tell you it's not smart to hang out in the lap of a knitter with a *cough* *stab* *cough*. Here's my most recent sock about which I have mixed feelings:

- Yarn: mystery wool I dyed with Kool Aid (grape, black cherry, and mystery red flavors) a year ago. I wasn't sure about the colors as seen in the hank, but knitted up, I like it a lot. I plan to hand wash because the wool could be 100% feltable, so any fading should be minimized. I also like the yarn's texture and knittability; it's a single and doesn't split, and it's soft.
- Pattern: Based on Widdershins. I didn't like the 5-stitch cable because it was too tight, so took out the center P and moved it to the center of the K2 between the cables, resulting in a K4, P1, K1, P1, K1, P1 repeat with the cables spaced 8 rows apart. I like the result. The 9-stitch multiple set me up for...
- Picot Hem: My first attempt at this type of hem. I sewed the stitches down (see the needle?) and had to fuss with them to get them tight enough but not too tight. I think I should try knitting the facing on smaller needles. So far I'm abivalent.
- Figure Eight cast on: This is my second pair of toe-up socks, and I wanted to try a different toe. I do like this cast on, though it required some tightening of the cast on stitches after I knit a few rows. I have to do exactly the same sort of operation after Kitchener stitch, so no biggie because I don't have to Kitchener.
- Upside Down Heel Flap: Knit per the Widdershins instructions, this heel came out really well, and I like it. The opposite of picking up stitches for the gusset is P2tog and SSK, so there's no chance of "picking up" too many or too few.
- Size: It's about 3/4 inch too long in the foot. Grrrrrrrr. I'll probably rip the toe and reknit it with a kitchener ending. I actually knit the heel twice because the sock was too short the first time! We know what "they" say about the third.
- Timing: It's unlikely I'll get it fixed and the 2nd sock knit in March, though I might give it a try. On the bright side, my April SAM3 socks might be nearly half done.
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